Saturday, August 29, 2009

Baby Gender Quiz

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Baby Gender Quiz - obviously there is no gurantee that this will determine baby gender, but hey its a good way to test out some of the old wives tales out there:

Q1) Whats your baby's heartbeat?
A1) If its lower than 140 boy and higher its a girl

Q2) Are you are positively glowing/blooming in your pregnancy?
A2) Yes - favors boy, No, favors girl

Q3) Did you suffer morning sickness?
A3) No - its a boy, Yes - its a girl

Q4) How are you carrying your baby?
A4) If carrying low and out front - favors boy, carrying high and all round - favors girl

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Conceiving a Girl - Issues Getting Pregnant

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Determining Baby Gender

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Determining Baby Gender - I just wanted to put a post on here to say that whilst I am deciding to stop concentrating on trying to conceive a girl and just try for a baby, it can still work for you.

It is harder when trying to concieve a girl rather than a boy. This is because you have to avoid the most fertile times. It will not work for everyone. I have friends that it has worked for and friends that it hasnt. The friends it worked for - it happened the first month. The friends it didnt - tried for 6 months, gave in, tried for a baby and they have just given birth to a baby girl anyway.

The point is if you are wanting to sway the odds towards conceiving a girl or conceiving a boy and you dont mind not getting pregnant straight away and age is on your side (you are less than 35), then there is no harm giving it a go. Its not intrusive. Its just that for me because of my issues getting pregnant I decided to try for a baby and not just a baby girl.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Issues getting Pregnant - no longer trying to conceive a girl - just trying to conceive!

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Issues getting Pregnant - We have been trying for 8 months to conceive a girl. I have been trying to drink more milk and eat more cheese and have been taking calcium supplements. I have pinpointed ovulation as best as I can (sounds gross I know but pinpointed mainly by monitoring mucus). I also get a stomach cramp on one side when I ovlulate. I ovulate around day 15. We have been trying to conceive up until day 14 and we are having issues getting pregnant. We have now decided that more than wanting a girl we want a baby. I have 2 amazing boys now and a third child (boy or girl) would be a welcomed addition to our family.

I went to the docs last week to voice my concerns because I am sure that in the last 5 months I have stopped ovulating as much. From reading my own body I believe that I now only ovulate every 2nd month. As I explained to the doctor around 5 months ago at a time when I was ovulating I got an enormous pain (that caused me to have to sit down - white faced and do deep breaths) down one side. Ovulation seems since this point to have dwindled. The doc said because I am over 35 we need to check everything out quickly. I am booked in for an ultrasound and blood test in 2 weeks and then its my hubbys turn (who is not impressed by being tested) to be prodded and poked.

Obviously if we could fall pregnant in the meantime it would be great. Due to our issues getting pregnant we are not stopping at day 14 but trying all through.

The doctors reccommendations to help with our issues getting pregnant were:

Stop drinking tea or coffee
Asked us if we smoked (we dont)
Told hubby to not have that beer when gets in from work
Told us to try every other night, not every night (so sperm wont be so weak)
Eat healthy, plenty fruit and veg (we dont do too bad apart from once a week chip shop supper)

Anyway guys got to go and collect the boys. Will post again soon. Please feel free to leave any comments with any issues you are having conceiving or whether you are trying for a baby boy or baby girl and its not happening. Are you going to carry on or just give in and try for a baby?

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Baby's Names

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Baby's Names - Its usually about half way through the pregnancy that parents start to seriously consider baby's names. Often there can be disagreements between parents - my husband and I have agreed up to now. We are planning our third child and we already are disagreeing before I am pregnant!

Some parents like the old fashioned names (we do), others prefer the unusual names, some go for the most popular names at that time and sometimes baby's names are given after a relative, Grandparent or Uncle or Aunt etc.

The 10 most popular baby's names of 2008 were are follows:

BOYS: 1)William, 2)Jack, 3)Joshua, 4)Lachlan, 5)Thomas, 6)Cooper,
7)James, 8)Oliver, 9)Riley, 10)Ethan
GIRLS: 1)Mia, 2)Chloe, 3)Olivia, 4)Isabella, 5)Emily, 6)Charlotte, 7)Ella, 8)Sienna, 9)Ava, 10)Sophie

Some parents like to go with unusual or unique baby's names. There are certainly a great deal of these to choose from. A thing that strikes me about these sort of baby's names is that the child will always have to spell out their name. What I mean is, if they are meeting someone for the first time and introducing themself and they have a name that is not often used then there is a good chance that they will have to repeat it. If they are saying their name over the phone and it is a name that is unique then they are always going to have to spell it out. Here are just a handful of the unique baby's names out there:

BOYS: Zarson, Rockett, Emmoch, Slavman, Harbane
GIRLS: Lululu, Wishyonce, Rohannie, Luna-Moon, Tatanka

The old fashioned baby's names that have always been around and continue to still be popular choices include names such as:

BOYS: Harry, Jack, Sam, Joseph, William
GIRLS: Grace, Rose, Gail, Anna, Lilian

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Predicting Baby Gender - with diet

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Predicting Baby Gender - with diet. Just a few of the foods to sway the odds in favour of conceiving a girl include yogurt, milk, cheese (dairy, dairy, dairy), eggs, bread, all fruits. The reccommended vegetables are eggplant, broccoli, cucumber, cabbage, carrots, green peas, tomatoes, beet. The reccommended fish are sardines and salmon. Nuts are hazelnuts and almonds.

To favour conceiving a boy just a few of the reccommended foods are Meat, Cereal, Bread, Nuts. The reccommended fruits are apricots, peaches, oranges, bananas (lots of them), dates.

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Morning Sickness Remedies

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The first few months can be really hard to bear with the Morning Sickness - not being able to eat anything but crackers! For free tips and to take a look at some Morning Sickness Remedies visit my Morning Sickness blog or squidoo lens

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Predicting baby Gender

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Predicting Baby Gender - isn't it funny how when you are pregnant and your bump begins to show everyone around you seems to become a expert at Predicting Baby Gender. Do they ever get it right - in my experience not often. I even had comments along the lines of 'no you wont drop yet, another 2 weeks' or 'its going to be a long baby' - all this just from looking at my big belly!

Towards the end, to be honest the comments about predicting baby gender started to annoy me a little - sometimes colleagues could have a full blown debate (alright maybe it felt like that) as if I wasnt even there. Did any of your friends or colleagues get your baby gender right?

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